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Participants with no swimming experience should do an introductory course BEFORE enrollment. Assessable Skills Include:

Ability to swim 25 metres and disrobe in deep waters, and swim 25 metres

Tread Water for 3 minutes

Perform 3 reaching assist

25m double arm backstroke

Basic Lifesaving skills

First Aid Kit


The class focuses on the basics from breathing and cardiac emergencies, to care for bleeding, sudden illnesses, and injuries when activation or response of the local EMS system will be delayed beyond 30 minutes. The principles of the course are based upon several different disciplines in pre-hospital medicine. Among these are: CPR and ECC guidelines, general protocols established by the Emergency Medical Services, current research and experience of Hannays EMS Training staff and the information contained in the course text by the end.

All techniques and information taught in this course are in line with the standard of care established by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeon (AAOS).

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This programme equips participants with the skills necessary to complete the swimming practical component of CSEC Physical Education. Prerequisite: Must be able to comfortably swim 50m in at least three of the four strokes (freestyle, butterfly, backstroke and breaststroke).  Swimmers who need to learn an additional stroke are advised to pursue, Stage 6 in RWB Adult Syllabus.


Please click here and view pages 26 and 27 of the syllabus.

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